Manuscripts and Letters

2025 – JA Roberts, AJ Heffernan, MG Chai, PNA Harris, A Legg, A Farkas, K Laupland, J Dhanani, C Fourie, L Murray, H Abdul-Aziz, J Ungerer, B McWhinney, J Lipman, MO Cotta,
Resistance Optimised Antibiotic Dosing (The ROAD Study): Is dosing of meropenem and piperacillin-tazobactam optimised to prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistance safe and feasible in the ICU? A pilot study, CMI Communications, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2025.

2024 – Chai MG, Tu Q, Cotta MO, Bauer MJ, Balch R, Okafor C, Comans T, Kruger P, Meyer J, Shekar K, Brady K, Fourie C, Sharp N, Vlad L, Whiley D, Ungerer JPJ, Mcwhinney BC, Farkas A, Paterson DL, Clark JE, Hajkowicz K, Raman S, Bialasiewicz S, Lipman J, Forde BM, Harris PNA, Schlapbach LJ, Coin L, Roberts JA, Irwin AD. Achievement of therapeutic antibiotic exposures using Bayesian dosing software in critically unwell children and adults with sepsis. Intensive Care Med. 2024 Mar 13.

2023 – Williams PG, Tabah A, Cotta MO, Sandaradura I, Kanji S, Scheetz MH, Imani S, Elhadi M, Luque-Pardos S, Schellack N, Sanches C, Timsit JF, Xie J, Farkas A, Wilks K, Roberts JA; National Coordinators on behalf of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Infections in Critically Ill Patients [ESGCIP]. International survey of antibiotic dosing and monitoring in adult intensive care units. Crit Care. 2023 Jun 19. 

2023 – Williams P, Cotta MO, Abdul-Aziz MH, Wilks K, Farkas A, Roberts JA. In silico Evaluation of a Vancomycin Dosing Guideline Among Adults with Serious Infections. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. May, 2023.

2022 – Farkas, A.; Yassin, A. Sorting out the Risks and Benefits of the #797 Recommended Intrapartum Vancomycin Dosing Approach. Antibiotics. December, 2022.

2022 – Rodríguez-Báez AS, Jiménez-Meseguer M, Milán-Segovia RDC, Romano-Moreno S, Barcia E, Ortiz-Álvarez A, García-Díaz B, Medellín-Garibay SE. A comparison of pharmacokinetics software for therapeutic drug monitoring of piperacillin in patients with severe infections. Eur J Hosp Pharm. 2022 Sep 19

2022 – Williams P, Cotta MO, Abdul-Aziz MH, Wilks K, Farkas A, Roberts JA. In silico evaluation of a beta-lactam dosing guideline among adults with serious infections. Pharmacotherapy. 2022

2022 – Ming G Chai, Jason A Roberts, Andras Farkas, Menino O Cotta, Accuracy of a precision dosing software program for predicting antibiotic concentrations in critically ill patients, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. December, 2022.

2022 -Sanches, C.; Alves, G.C.S.; Farkas, A.; da Silva, S.D.; de Castro, W.V.; Chequer, F.M.D.; Beraldi-Magalhães, F.; Magalhães, I.R.d.S.; Baldoni, A.d.O.; Chatfield, M.D.; et al. Population pharmacokinetic model of piperacillin in critically ill patients and describing interethnic variation using external validation. Antibiotics 2022, 11, 434.

2021 -Andras Farkas, Katerina Oikonomou, Mohammad Ghanbar, Phillip Villasurda, Julie Varghese, Jeffrey Lipman, Joseph Sassine, Dwarakanathan Ranganathan, Jason A Roberts, Population pharmacokinetics of intra-peritoneal gentamicin and the impact of varying dwell times on pharmacodynamic target attainment in patients with acute peritonitis undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, published online ahead of print on December 13, 2021

2020 -Ming G. Chai, Menino O. Cotta, Mohd H. Abdul-Aziz, Jason A. Roberts, What Are the Current Approaches to Optimising Antimicrobial Dosing in the Intensive Care Unit? Pharmaceutics 2020, 12(7), 638

2020 -Wannee Kantasiripitak, Ruth Van Daele, Matthias Gijsen, Marc Ferrante, Isabel Spriet,Erwin Dreesen, Software Tools for Model-Informed Precision Dosing: How Well Do They Satisfy the Needs? Front. Pharmacol., 07 May 2020

2020 – Silva SD, Alves GCS, Chequer FMD, Farkas A, Daróczi G, Roberts JA, Sanches C. Linguistic and cultural adaptation to the Portuguese language of antimicrobial dose adjustment software. einstein (São Paulo). 2020;18:eAO5023.

2020 – Silva Alves, Geisa; da Silva, Samuel; Drumond Chequer, Farah; De Castro, Whocely; Baldoni, André; Farkas, Andras; Daróczi, Gergely; Alexander Roberts, Jason; Sanches, Cristina. Software for dose adjustment of antimicrobials. Implications for plasma concentrations and pratical limitations. einstein (São Paulo). 2020;18:(6).

2019 – Minyon L Avent, B. A. Rogers. Optimising antimicrobial therapy through the use of Bayesian dosing programs. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, August 2019, 41(6).

2019 – Sofie A M Dhaese, Alexander D J Thooft, Andras Farkas, Jeffrey Lipman, Alain G Verstraete, Veronique Stove, Jason A Roberts, Jan J De Waele. Early target attainment of continuous infusion piperacillin/tazobactam and meropenem in critically ill patients: A prospective observational study. J Crit Care. 2019 Aug.

2019 – Farkas A, Lin F, Bui K, Liu F, An GL, Pakholskiy A, Stavropoulos CF, Lantis JC, Yassin A; Development of predictive nomograms for clinical use to quantify the risk of isolating resistance prone organisms in patients with infected foot ulcers. Epidemiol Infect. 2019 Jan.

2018 – Dhaese SA, Farkas A, Colin P, Lipman J, Stove V, Verstraete AG, Roberts JA, De Waele JJ. Population pharmacokinetics and evaluation of the predictive performance of pharmacokinetic models in critically ill patients receiving continuous infusion meropenem: a comparison of eight pharmacokinetic models. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Oct 30.

2018 – Drennan, Philip; Doogue, Matthew; van Hal, Sebastiaan J; Chin, Paul, Bayesian therapeutic drug monitoring software: past, present and future. International Journal of Pharmacokinetics; 2018, Vol. 3, (4).

2018 – Farkas A, Sassine J, Mathew JP, Stavropoulos C, Stern R, Mckinley G; Outcomes associated with the use of a revised risk assessment strategy to predict antibiotic resistance in community-onset pneumonia: a stewardship perspective. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Sep 1

2018 – Emily L. Heil, David P. Nicolau, Andras Farkas, Jason A. Roberts, Kerri A. Thom; Pharmacodynamic target attainment for cefepime, meropenem and piperacillin/tazobactam using a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic-based dosing calculator in critically ill patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, published online ahead of print on June 6, 2018

2018 – Aminoglycoside Dosing in Adults, Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), April 2018

2016 – Andras Farkas, Gergely Daroczi, Philip Villasurda, Michael Dolton, Midori Nakagaki, Jason A Roberts; Comparative evaluation of the predictive performance of three different structural population pharmacokinetic models to predict future voriconazole concentrations. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, published online ahead of print on September 6, 2016

2016 – Delgado-Valverde M, Torres E, Valiente-Mendez A, Almirante B, Gómez-Zorrilla S, Borrell N, Corzo JE, Gurgui M, Almela M, García-Álvarez L, Fontecoba-Sánchez MC, Martínez-Martínez L, Cantón R, Praena J, Causse M, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez B, Roberts JA, Farkas A, Pascual Á, Rodríguez-Baño J; REIPI/GEIH-SEIMC BACTERAEMIA-MIC group; Impact of the MIC of piperacillin/tazobactam on the outcome for patients with bacteraemia due to Enterobacteriaceae: the Bacteraemia-MIC project. 2016, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71(2):521-30

2014 – Gloria Wong, Andras Farkas, Rachel Sussman, Gergely Daroczi, William W Hope, Jeffrey Lipman, Jason A Roberts; Comparison of the accuracy and precision of pharmacokinetic equations to predict free meropenem concentrations in critically ill patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, published online ahead of print on 15 December 2014

2014 – Jason A Roberts, Mohd H Abdul-Aziz, Jeffrey Lipman, Johan W Mouton, Alexander A Vinks, Timothy W Felton,William W Hope,  Andras Farkas, Michael N Neely, Jerome J Schentag, George Drusano, Otto R Frey, Ursula Theuretzbacher,  Joseph L Kuti, on behalf of The International Society of Anti-Infective Pharmacology and the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Study Group of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; Individualised antibiotic dosing for patients who are critically ill: challenges and potential solutions. 2014,  The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 14 (6): 441 – 532

2012 – Farkas A, Successful target attainment of telavancin at elevated MICs: fact or fiction?  2012, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 56: 4560